02/17/2016 | Hurricane Watch Net, Maritime Mobile Service Network Stalwart David Lefavour, W7GOX, SK
A veteran of the Hurricane Watch Net and the Maritime Mobile Service Network, Capt David Lefavour, W7GOX, died on February 8.
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10/25/2011 | Special ARRL Webinar Scheduled for November 3: Hams, Emergencies and the News
ARES® and emergency groups have had their hands full in the past months. Time and again, Amateur Radio has been called upon to provide emergency communications. In some places, the hams made the news and were highly praised, while in other places, the com
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11/04/2010 | Thai Hams Provide Communication Support During Monsoon
Heavy monsoon rains in Thailand have devastated parts of that country, with almost 60 dead and 100,000 homes in 32 provinces damaged or gone. According to the Radio Amateur Society of Thailand (RAST), amateurs in the Nakhon Ratchasima and Chaiyaphum provi
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07/02/2009 | The Amateur Amateur: Please Answer the Following QuestionLike many other ARES groups, St Louis County ARES has a weekly 2 meter voice net. It's a directed net, so there isn't much chit-chat. It's very business-like. And no doubt very dull, you're thinking.
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